
a pretty in the city gal on her way to debt freedom & healthy living a day at a time, who fills her time with yoga, music, books, baking and much much more. won't you join her?

Sunday, July 01, 2007

to date or not to (speed) date

So my pals have been talking about speed dating lately, and you know, I think I might just be up for it. I think the problem with dating is that you get stuck in a whole date thing when really, you can tell whether you at least like a person a bit in the first few minutes of meeting them.

Stay tuned on that front - and hey, anyone have any stories?

Pedometre - OMG I can't believe how INactive I really am. I always thought I've been pretty active and yep, I do yoga, but I need to increase the incidental walking! Yep, definitely do.

Food & Alcohol - I've been going really well this past week (partly due to budget, mostly due to realising I need to be much healthier to improve the D). Lots of fruit, lighter feeling in the belly, more energy, no alcohol. This fresh food thing really is good - have you even noticed that Weight Watchers have now got Core Plan too?? (so no counting, but just fresh, whole unprocessed foods)

Courses - I enrolled to do a Body Cleansing Through Food workshop at the Buddha Bar up the road, and was so excited! However, it got cancelled due to weather - but my name is still on the list and they'll let me know when it is rescheduled for. I have realised that I need to have more things to look forward to - sometimes it's easy to get caught up in the day to day, so I'm looking forward to this. And speaking of the Buddha Bar, I got a massage there the other week with the wonderful Elaine, and I'm having another one next pay. Sure, it's a great treat to have a massage, but the benefits of touch and moving toxins through the body are amazing too, so I'm going to work on this.

Accupuncture - I am giving it a go next weekend. I am using it mainly for D but also for a few other reasons. I know that many times, a massage, a yoga class, a hair cut and an accupuncture session depends on the practitioner, so I am going to be patient, but I'm very excited.

Have any of you tried it? I am really looking forward to hearing from others!

Have a good week friends : )

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