"The art is not in making money, but in keeping it."
Isn't the above proverb great? But while I can enjoy it, I sitll feel a bit sick in the tummy to think that a redundancy could happen at any time. However, I have to keep reminding myself that life only throws at you what you can handle. Seriously.
And today, right now, I have a job. A job I love.
In preparation for 'rainy days' though, a question for you, dear frugal readers:
Currently my debt stands at 10 713 (personal loan) and 1300 (on a work credit card). In this undertain economic time, would you be inclined to continue paying off all you can on the work credit card, and paying minimum repayments on the personal loan?
Would you start throwing all those extra payments onto advance rent payments, and paying just the minimum on both credit card and personal loan repayments?
Reader, I am a massive fan of Dave Ramsey. I love his idea of debt snowballing and the baby steps. With this in mind, hit me with your thoughts.
PS - and YES I know how awesome all of this will be when I don't have debt to pay off anymore, but can be ahead in rent with no worries ;)
Blogs I'm reading today: Budgets Are Sexy, How I Save Money, Wise Bread, Dave Ramsey
Labels: debt, finances, financial goals
To be honest, I'd say just focus on continuing to do a good job at work.
Part of the problem with working out the 'what if' strategies is the old adage: what you think about you bring about.
The wolf isn't at your door, so my thoughts are just keep being sensible :-)
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