
a pretty in the city gal on her way to debt freedom & healthy living a day at a time, who fills her time with yoga, music, books, baking and much much more. won't you join her?

Thursday, February 08, 2007

The world is telling me...

not to shop!

Cats & Kittens, seriously. When I started communicating with Compact Oz and the No More Stuff people, I took the option of not giving up spending completely, but rather : "Nooo, I can't do without my regular shopping fix (but I promise to think about how I can cut back anyway."

And on the whole, I've been pretty good with this - have been quite organised, no trashy or other mags have been purchased or snacks at work. But yesterday I was running late and it was either buy lunch or go hungry. I was not gonna last the whole day with now lunch so bought some stuff. Today - same story, I really have to get up earlier.

But all in all, it's about cutting back where you can. And like the gals from the site told me:
This initiative is really about developing healthy shopping habits, such as thinking about your second-hand options before you buy new.

I agree : )
And that is definitely what I'm doing.

Hi Stella,
Thanks for your interest! This initiative is really about developing healthy
shopping habits, such as thinking about your second-hand options before you
buy new.
Good luck with the new job!



At 6:33 PM, Blogger Mary said...

Thinking about what you're buying before spending is definitely the key, says she is spent $300 on clothes today! At least one of the skirts was from Made so I am supporting local designers ;-)

Good going with this, it makes me think more too!

At 11:38 AM, Blogger Margaret said...

With anything, weight loss, spending etc it is better to take small steps, make them permanent habits and then build on that. I have cut back my mags to OK - $2.95/wk and Notebook once per month. This has saved me HEAPS and we have decided to pool the mags at work so we don't double up.

I do love your persitance - it will pay off :)

At 2:59 PM, Blogger Alison Peters said...

Good Luck with reducing your spending.

What I'm noticing since beginning to compact is how much pressure we get from TV, Mags, newspapers, billboards, buses, models, movie stars, to buy things that are basically disposable.

I've vowed that if/when I do spend money, I will try to look at sustainabilty, useful-ness, and recyclability (sp?) over fashion. Cross fingers... it isn't easy.

Good on you for giving it a go.


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