
a pretty in the city gal on her way to debt freedom & healthy living a day at a time, who fills her time with yoga, music, books, baking and much much more. won't you join her?

Friday, February 23, 2007

'ello there!

well it's certainly been a while between posts.. but this new job is keeping me busy and happy and excited and away from the computer. I forgot just how tired you get when learning something new! Lots of brain power going on ;)

So anyway, I joined the library right next door to my work today, and the video store across the road. So here's to free books and lots of dvd's with no excuse for not returning them!

I got out a couple of books today -
* Moosewood Restaurant New Classics
* The Path of Practice - a Maya Tiwari book I was so excited to come across
* Dr Joshi's Holistic Detox.. which I always read in bookstores and thought I'd borrow so I can learn all the yummy recipes!

More soon,



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