
a pretty in the city gal on her way to debt freedom & healthy living a day at a time, who fills her time with yoga, music, books, baking and much much more. won't you join her?

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Colour Week Mash-Up

You should never be somewhere and just say "Fuck it."
It should be a calculated, scheduled, premeditated choice. (Skinny Bitch)

Lucy at Nourish Me had this fun exercise where you turn to page 123 of your current read (for me, Skinny Bitch), count in 5 sentences, write the next 3. But for me, the next 2 just summed up a lot of where I am right now.. and where would that be? Sitting in the living area of my brand new home! Yes, I finally moved house on Thursday and while I am exhausted and want to cry from tiredness, I am so happy and somewhat all rosy inside.

I am now a Summer Hill resident, the furthest I've lived away from my 'hood since moving to Sydney nearly a decade ago, but it's gorgeous. AND... a lot cheaper.

So while this move is definitely calculated and premeditated, I have to say there's been a bit of universe involvement. I was looking for months, then decided to share house and came across a gorgeous old friend I went to uni with. This couldn't have been easier. The world really listens when you ask. : )

So apart from having a weekend at home unpacking and cleaning and purging (oh, and going to have a massage as I pulled a muscle in my neck lifting boxes, yow!), I have also been very still in myself and really loving life away from the busy-ness of N-Town. I've had numerous cups of tea. I've read and re-read the new issue of Yoga Journal without interuption. I've meditated (!!!). I've gone on a wander around the local streets and discovered the fabulous organic store (aka heaven!) just 2 streets away from 'home'. And I've even cooked.

I did however, miss out on the yoga course this weekend, which I'm pretty upset about. Spending the whole weekend with Simon Borg-Olivier is my idea of heaven - that guy is a modern day guru, or as close to one as I've ever met, seriously! - but I had to get the last few things from my old house, and really needed the time to settle. I've got a band in town this week from the UK so I know I'll have a busy busy one, so home time, when and where I can grab it, is good : )

So I'm very excited and inspired on the home front, obviously, but also on the blog front. Hula Seventy has given us the challenge of a Colour Week and I've been longing for a photo challenge for a while, so here goes. Tomorrow, it's all about green! Oh, and Hula Seventy gave me the inspiration from the official hostess - Curious Bird. Need some ideas? Check out all her links from participants!!

monday: green
tuesday: yellow
wednesday: orange
thursday: pink/red
friday: blue

In other news.. well, there's not heaps of other news. Moving takes up a lot of energy haha! So I'll leave you with that.. oh, and a big welcome back to Kachtus who brightened up my day when I saw her email.

Stay rosy guys xx

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At 8:45 AM, Blogger Lucy said...

I'm so pleased you took it up.

How's the book? I've heard mixed things...

The colour thing sounds fun. Look forward to your green-ness!

At 1:57 PM, Blogger Darlene said...

Doesn't it feel GREAT?!

(I dislike moving very much) Glad you survived :)

xo d


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