
a pretty in the city gal on her way to debt freedom & healthy living a day at a time, who fills her time with yoga, music, books, baking and much much more. won't you join her?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

To market... to market... buy a fat pig. Home again, home again, jig a jig jig...

Whenever I head to the library I feel like I'm off to the markets on a little excursion - it really reminds me of when I used to be so so excited to go to the library as a kid, where I'd literally devour them. I couldn't get enough!

Then I started earning some cash and got into a horrid habit of living in bookstores and spending way too much money on the goods! It is one habit that I don't find too bad - I love having a library of books, but seriously, libraries are a much better (and cheaper) option!

So I went to Paddo Library today and literally walked out with a huge armful of books! I am loving trying new cookbooks as well, and um, although I did purchase this one, perhaps
you can check it out of your local library? It's GREAT!! Reviews and home photos coming soon :)

La Dolce Vegan - by Sarah Kramer

This is Sarah's 3rd book, and is focussed on vegan meals you can whip together in limited time... eg. after a long day at work and you don't want to be cooking for half an hour!

I have some seafood in my diet, but most of my meals are vego, and one thing I find really frustrating in vego/vegan cookbooks is that they include lots (+ lots, + lots) of ingredients that you need a teaspoon of or some such quantity, that can make a difference to the final taste, but it's not something I have in my cupboard. It's not something you can find unless you go looking (and asking) in a health food store... but not here in La Dolce Vegan.

Seriously - this book is great! Quick, simple, and I promise you you can just look in your cupboard (a half empty one at that!) and be able to make a most delish and healthy meal!

Stay tuned :)

ps - Oh Oh Oh! best part yet? The majority of the meals make 2 big servings, or 4 small ones. Do you know how GREAT this is for a single gal who lives alone? Sarah, I love you! I love you!!!

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At 12:44 PM, Blogger yublocka said...

Can't wait to hear how the new recipes go? Care to share some too? Pretty please!!

At 7:19 PM, Blogger Mary said...

I love Sarah!! I have the first two books aswell. My sister's a vegan and actually passed them on. She thinks Sarah stuff is all junk food but I reckon it's fun :-)

At 7:35 PM, Blogger Picasso's Muse said...

I have reserved this book at the library based on your recommendation!!


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