30 is the new Hot!
The funny thing with weight, and indeed, life, is that you rarely feel completely satisfied. I look back on my early 20's and know I was so concerned with my appearance at that time, but really, I was very fit and perfect weight for my age/height.
Today, I look at myself and again, want to change things. Are we ever really happy? And if we're not, what do we do about it? I try to be quite proactive and move my body and eat healthy, but sometimes fall short on actually achieving this.
SO I've chosen the milestone of turning 30 to get things done by. Food / Body / Mind.
Seems as good an occasion as any to make my dreams a reality. All I need to do is follow the path.
Here is the path:
* morning walks before work
* yoga yoga yoga, because I know this does the trick for me
* drastically cut back on alcohol
* healthy food. Takeaway be gone!
* savings in the bank
* no credit card debt
Labels: 30 is the new hot
Maybe I should take that path, too. But I'm a weak, weak gal and know I'll end up eating nachos, quaffing champagne and lying on the couch.
I hope you're still planning some overseas travel to celebrate the big 3-0! You are, aren't you???
Yoga is definitely the trick and helps with everything else too!
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