
a pretty in the city gal on her way to debt freedom & healthy living a day at a time, who fills her time with yoga, music, books, baking and much much more. won't you join her?

Sunday, December 07, 2008


Oh dear, it's been a wee while since my last post... I have been snapping away and creating photos with the intention of writing posts and putting them up here... but haven't gotten that far. Instead, I've celebrated my 31st birthday in a most gorgeous week of celebrations, food, and friends.

Instead, I've been crazy busy at work but really am enjoying the frenetic pace of it all.

Instead, I've been teaching lots of yoga classes (including a 2.5 hours yoga workshop, with 60 participants!). That involved many late nights sewing up little eye pillows with lavendar and flax, and lots of fun, chocolate, stretching, tears, laughter, om'ming, sleeping and divine exploration of the self during the class.

Instead, I've started teaching free community yoga classes at Lululemon in the city.

Instead, I've had the first round of christmas parties to attend, and baby showers to touch base at, and breakfasts with friends to catch up in.

Instead, I've come home late when my flatmate is in bed as I've been working/playing/meeting. And then I've gotten up early in the morning while she is in bed, to work/play and meet some more.

Instead, I've been reading lots of gorgeous inspiring books, including Running to the Mountain, and Wisdom. I've been listening to wonderful sounds such as Pearl and the Puppets, Dido and Subway Bhaktis.

Instead, I've been writing up chrissy lists, doing chrissy shopping, and creating recipe lists for homemade goodies. I've also hung baubles up on christmas trees, but not just any kind of bauble. It's a wish bauble - where I've written my goals for 2009 on the bauble.

I've also thought about starting running again.

And inbetween all of this, I have tried to meditate. I've written daily gratitude lists. And I've tried to grab some ME time.

I'm doing ok - and I hope you are too : )
Much love x



At 5:11 PM, Blogger Margaret said...

I love all your 'insteads' :) I am glad you are busy, and happy, and sounding very fulfilled. I hope your wish tree gets fulfilled too..

Glad you can pop in when you have a minute :D

At 5:41 PM, Blogger Apple2Hourglass said...

Sounds like you are a very busy little chicken! Glad you are doing ok.


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